An episode question


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Does anyone know the episode where Compo is looking around the corner of a building, Nora walks up behind him and promply asks "what are you doing peeking around..." and he says something like "shhhhh, there is a woman being assulted" she says "why don't you do something about it" and he says " because it hasn't happened yet" then starts grabbing her. Love that!! Any help would be great. Thanks
Does anyone know the episode where Compo is looking around the corner of a building, Nora walks up behind him and promply asks "what are you doing peeking around..." and he says something like "shhhhh, there is a woman being assulted" she says "why don't you do something about it" and he says " because it hasn't happened yet" then starts grabbing her. Love that!! Any help would be great. Thanks

it was a series 12 (uk dvd 13) episode from 1990 i think its from das (welly) boot but i might b wrong on tht 1, i kno it is defo from series 12 tho
no problem, gud 2 kno my summer wine encyclopedia is working without having 2 watch the episode, mastermind wud have nothing on me 4 specialist subject lol, altho i wud fail miserably at general knowledge lol.
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