New profile posts

Hi Marianna, We have missed you from the group lately. I hope all is well with you. Hope to hear from you soon again.
Fairly newbie here, reading back a lot to see what I have missed; just wanted to message you to say that virtually everything you have contributed on the site, reflects my opinions almost exactly. Hope to see you online again soon. Regards
Hi Graham, my wife and I have decided we are not fussed about going to the Getting Sam Home screening on the Sunday night at 18.30, so we would be happy to dog sit for a couple of hours, we are staying at just a few hundred yards up Rotcher Road or if needs be with could drive over to Jackson Bridge and watch him/her there, though a free event we have already booked so you need not worry about that
Kind of regretting procrastinating yesterday now that I've got just a few hours to get a mountain of assignments done and no motivation to do any of it! Lol
Currently eating Takis and watching LOTSW on YouTube. It's blurry and the sound is bad but beggars can't be choosers. And I'm aware that there have been reports of Takis burning holes in people's stomachs but I'm obsessed with them right now! Lol
Hi everybody

Anyone like to help a new member out

I am looking to buy a copy of the Child Image painting that Auntie Wainwrights displayed on her shop frontage, I had a copy once but it got damaged


Amazing Grace
You might do better posting this on General Discussion and a description of the picture. I think your best bet would be ebay.
Just a note to say P is in hospital with pneumonia and bad infection in legs, dehydration. Had a bad first day but spent good night with no new problems. More as time goes by.. Mrs P
Currently staying in Nora Batty's and loving every minute! Feeling sorry that I have not posted since joining some time ago.... Wishing all a very happy and blessed New Year
Hi Boylo98,
I was just scrolling through my profile and came across your profile. I notice you are from Wymondham, as you probably know I am also from Wymondham. I notice that you are only a boy of now 26 so I probably do not know you unless you live next door. Glad to know I am not alone.