Your BBC


Staff member
Remember back around 2006 the BBC used to promote the station as being "Your BBC" it stopped when the new controller Jay Hunt took the driving seat, she must be wearing blinkers as they will crash before to much longer, she thinks it is her BBC and you will watch what she tells you to watch, these days there is very little worth watching on the BBC, they throw us the odd drama if we are lucky, the so called comedy is crass and often offensive, endless repeats of the same old drivel that you did not want to watch in the first place.

They would not recognise real talent if it dropped on them from a great height, this is obvious when they hung onto people like Jonathan Woss, they would stand little chance of survival if the viewer were not forced to stump up for their over paid salaries and expense accounts.
In total agreement, as to Ross, that Cretin should have been axed a long time ago, I have still never forgiven him for his sick comments regarding the passing of Bill Owen, for which he was never he slapped on the wrist, maybe when he goes to America - as is rumoured - he just might open his mouth too wide there.

I would love to go to the station and stuff my licence right down her fat throat, it's about time the licence fee was abolished, at least then I wouldn't have to subscribe to this garbage they subject us to or contribute to huge salaries for a bunch of talentless idiots.
In total agreement, as to Ross, that Cretin should have been axed a long time ago, I have still never forgiven him for his sick comments regarding the passing of Bill Owen, for which he was never he slapped on the wrist, maybe when he goes to America - as is rumoured - he just might open his mouth too wide there.

I never knew this: not that I want to air the matter now but it just shows the attitude at the top - seems ignore the public and let's please ourselves.
In total agreement, as to Ross, that Cretin should have been axed a long time ago, I have still never forgiven him for his sick comments regarding the passing of Bill Owen, for which he was never he slapped on the wrist, maybe when he goes to America - as is rumoured - he just might open his mouth too wide there.

I never knew this: not that I want to air the matter now but it just shows the attitude at the top - seems ignore the public and let's please ourselves.

Yes Barmpot, it made the comment on some tacky TV quiz show that he hosted around the time - I cannot remember the title, shows how good it was - but when he touched on Bill's passing he rubbed his hands and said "Oh well, One dead, two to go" which I found nauseating, he has got away with far too much, he almost got punched on 'They Think It's All Over' - shame Nick Hancock intervened.
I wish I hadn´t read that, that literally makes me feel sick. I dread to think what many people´s characters are like. And they are allowed to talk in publicity. Poor, poor TV, and even poorer viewers who can´t escape.