Summer Wine dreams


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So I've been watching a lot of Summer Wine lately because, as my mom would say, the ox is in the ditch. Which basically means I've got a lot going on and if I don't do something about it, it's going to cause problems. So basically when I'm not taking care of everything I need to take care of, I'm watching Summer Wine, which is causing me to have dreams about it.

Last night, I dreamed that I was in a classroom, which was already weird because I do Zoom classes, I don't go to a physical classroom, but Glenda was my professor! Lol I had hanahaki disease because I was coughing up flowers and no one found that weird, she just kept teaching. Then we had a paper due that night but I knew I was going to be late turning it in, so I was like "Can I at least talk to you about why I'm going to be late turning it in?" And Glenda was like "No, turn it in tonight or you'll get a zero." So I coughed up a daffodil and threw it at her and then went to lunch.

I woke up and told my mom about it and I had to explain hanahaki disease to her and it actually gave me an idea about a fanfic, which my mom wants me to write for her now. But anyway my question is do you guys ever have Summer Wine dreams? Or is it just a combination of too much Summer Wine and taking antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiety meds, and mood stabilizers making me have weird dreams? Lol
I have downloaded all the Summer Wine audio books (which can be found free online) narrated by Clegg. Sometimes I listen to them in bed and invariably fall asleep listening to them as they're so relaxing. This sometimes means I end up dreaming about Summer Wine, which isn't the worst dream to have!
What's in the matchbox? Do you scream then wake up?
Lol I haven't dreamed about the matchbox yet but I actually do wake up screaming sometimes! Lol Especially when they took me off of one of my antidepressants (I was on more meds than I am now back when I first had my breakdown). One withdrawal symptom I got was nightmares and my sister is into serial killers and we always end up talking about serial killers (She has a serial killer theory about Norman Clegg) and one night it caused me to have a nightmare about being in prison with Jeffrey Dahmer! Lol
I ended up having another one that I was watching an episode where Pearl and Marina teamed up to get revenge on Howard for doing them both wrong, which honestly would have been a funny episode! Lol My mom is currently complaining because I'm awake earlier than usual. She complains when I sleep too much, she complains when I don't sleep enough. I can't win! Lol I've tried to explain to her that depression causes me to sleep too much and anxiety causes me to sleep too little and right now I'm struggling with anxiety but all she says is "Well, take your anxiety meds" like I'm not already doing that. I'm going to call my therapist today and see if we can sort some things out.
Lol yeah I do need to stay awake so I can do these assignments that need to be done today. I've also got to email my professor back, he actually emailed me and asked if I was ok! Lol I basically need to tell him "Yes, but also no, but I will get my assignments in anyway!" Lol
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