Please get voting,we need your votes


Staff member
The series 16 to 18 polls finish in a few days,so please get voting,otherwise you favourites might miss out in the when we do the top 31 which I hope to be running in December,I will be posting more polls early next week
What's the absolute latest I can vote on 17 and 18? My station is currently in the middle of Series 17 and my memory is a bit rusty without a recent viewing. I'd like to wait as late as possible to vote so i have a better recollection of the episodes.
maltrab, can i ask what happens if 1 series has 2 episodes on the same amount of votes i.e. the 2 leading in series 17 both have 7 each, if they carry on are they both going onto the all time favourite vote or will there b another 2 decide which 2 go 4ward?
What's the absolute latest I can vote on 17 and 18? My station is currently in the middle of Series 17 and my memory is a bit rusty without a recent viewing. I'd like to wait as late as possible to vote so i have a better recollection of the episodes.

These polls close on the 11th Oct, Terry
maltrab, can i ask what happens if 1 series has 2 episodes on the same amount of votes i.e. the 2 leading in series 17 both have 7 each, if they carry on are they both going onto the all time favourite vote or will there b another 2 decide which 2 go 4ward?

We will put them both in the voting at the end,Terry