
It's a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

Loved Charlie Brown when a kid and now I play Vince Guaraldi's music all the time . With Christmas coming up the track Skating is on repeat . It makes me smile when I here it and reminds me of a trip to New York in December . They clear the skating rink in Central Park to re-ice the rink , they then sound a horn to allow the skaters back on and I took a snap as all the skaters went back on the ice , sadly its in storage or I would scan and post but the memory is so vivid maybe I don't need to. :)
Rick I wish I had it . Hard to describe the picture but what I liked was the skaters all returned to the ice from a standing start so they got onto it at various speeds so you have them all around the rink at different distances from the edge all battling to cover the oval of remaining pristine ice first .