Death In Paradise.


Staff member
For those that like Death In Paradise, theres a new series starting 8th on January.

I proffered Ben Miller.
Sorry dear but I like Kris Marshall ! However I only watched a couple of Ben Miller! :28:
Sorry dear but I like Kris Marshall ! However I only watched a couple of Ben Miller! :28:

:46: Well watch the better ones then you can agree with me :mad:

I got used the Kris Marshall but I still proffer Ben Miller, I'm hope I get more used to him because I like the program. It wasn't supposed to be as popular as it is which just goes to show we're all piddled off with watching celebrity dancing/circus/jungle/house/diving rubbish, I hope it continues ;D
Kris has managed to make the incredible leap between being a child star to adult star. And he has proved that he not just a one-note actor as he does a totally different character in DIP.