Back Again


Dedicated Member
Hello Folks
I am back again having been to see the WW1 battle fields : a very moving emotional experience, I took my bike with me and cycled round the Somme and then drove to Ypres and did the same there. The sheer enormity of it all really comes home when you see row after row of white stones in cemetery after cemetery and then there are the thousands upon thousands who have no known grave and are commemorated at Thiepval in France, The Menin Gate and Tyne Cot in Belgium two name just three. I also visited two German cemeteries, very different from the Commonwealth cemeteries but just as moving and poignant, an experience I will never forget.

Since I returned I seem to have spent most of my time on a train having been down to London up to Edinburgh and back down to London ( Thank goodness for the Senior rail card)